Safe Medical Waste Disposal Essential for Public Safety

Safety Must Come First

The proper disposal of medical wastes is a problem that relates to public safety. In particular, the safe disposal of needles and other sharp objects in this category of waste is needed to prevent injury and the spread of disease and infection. Waste workers must take care while working around such material in order to insure that they are not stuck with a needle. Such an event can lead to the transmission of a serious disease such as HIV or hepatitis.

Problems can also result when containers holding dangerous materials break open. Such contaminants may injure or sicken janitors, garbage truck drivers, and other workers who are involved in the elimination of such materials.

People who must inject themselves frequently for whatever reason are advised to take steps to insure that their discarded needles do not result in injury to others. They may take their discards to approved disposal sites. Doctors’ offices, medical clinics, and hospitals have these sort of officially sanctioned waste containers that can not be penetrated by needles or other sharp objects such as broken glass. Pharmacists and other health care professionals can advise people as to the locations of these sites. There is often no cost, or the fee will be nominal.

Several manufacturers offer devices that render needles harmless through melting or clipping. The Coalition for Safe Community Needle Disposal provides information on this subject at (800) 643-1643.

Stay Safe with Securr

Securr Corporation has a number of containers designed to hold these sorts of medical wastes. The full line of their products may be seen online at They have containers designed both for indoor and outdoor use.

Securr containers for medical waste are constructed of galvanealed steel which makes them durable, corrosion resistant, and puncture proof by needles or shards of glass. It also gives them an attractive appearance suitable for office settings. The chute like loading apparatus means that items can be disposed of safely and prevents anyone from reaching in and perhaps injuring themselves through contact with the contents. A key is required to unlock the door for disposal. The content will be held in a sturdy plastic liner suitable for transport to an authorized disposal site.

Customers who are unsure exactly what product would be right for their disposal needs should call Securr at 1-888-671-7066. They have experts standing by to help in such requests. Whatever product is selected will be made of materials designed both to last and look attractive. Securr takes pride in having a product line that is durable and affordable. In the area of medical waste, it pays to make sure that you are using containers that provide the highest levels of protection.