How Recycling Can Save Your Business Money

Cashing in on Green

Recognition is growing throughout the business world that there are substantial economic benefits to initiating an eco friendly model for making the company work.  Most firms have already implemented programs to lower the amount of energy they use.  In addition to pressure from a variety of environmental and community groups coupled with government at several levels, the impetus for this came from the savings that result from using less fuel and electricity especially when these items spiked upwards in price.

Recycling has similar savings potential.  Plastics, paper, and metal can now all easily be recycled.  There are redemption centers in every neighborhood that purchase such products in small scale amounts.  This means that even small businesses can set up a few bins in the lunch room and reap the profits on a regular basis.  If there are substantial amounts of materials being generated, it is possible to arrange pick ups by waste management firms that deal in such trade.

Programs such as this have very low start up costs.  The cost is largely confined to buying a few containers and finding the best place to put them in.  It also helps to communicate to workers about the program and how they should use it.  Instruction should also be provided to any after work cleaning service used.  These people may otherwise throw away an inordinate amount of recyclables left in individual trash cans set beside each desk.  These are likely filled with cans, plastic containers, and paper, all of which may be recycled.

High Level of Recyclables

Most companies today simply toss out the waste material they produce.  The costs of doing this can be substantial.  Garbage collection costs are viewed as a necessary cost of doing business.  There is a cost to the community as well.  Garbage collection impedes traffic and places many large slow moving trucks out on the street.  It is also becoming increasingly difficult to find new sites for landfills and garbage dumps.  Municipalities desperately wanted to keep their current sites in operation for as long as possible.  Recycling will help save space in these places giving them a longer life for use.

It has been estimated that 70% of the trash companies produce consists of materials suitable for recycling.  By cutting down on this amount, companies will have less need for garbage collection.  They may be able to schedule less frequent pick up or have other sorts of cut backs that result in lower fees for waste removal.

A growing benefit to recycling efforts lies in the area of public relations.  A company that is renowned for having a green sort of orientation can gain a substantial market share.  There is no corresponding benefit in being seen as against such efforts.  Companies are learning to promote the notion that they are working to achieve a cleaner environment.  Instituting a recycling program is one way to do this.  Since a program of this sort can often pay for itself or even turn a profit, it becomes a sensible thing to do.